worthy enough?


why have i been on such a lull?
i have been so lazy.
only interested in myself and sleep.

time just runs away from me when i know i need to spend time with You; i continually put it off.

also, my mom told me i'm bitter
i think she's right...

i pick apart people's intentions
and feel proud that my intentions are "better".
what happened to the
"love the oppressor and not just the oppressed"?

here we go again with my pride.
golly, how the heck do you let go of your pride??
i honestly have no clue.

wait, yes i do have a clue,
it goes back to my laziness in spending time with You.
i need to work on that i think.

please, make me worthy.


Anonymous said...

the whole intentions thing. i feel ya

Dre Legit said...

Oh, but you ARE worthy Nayeli....