

i really miss my home.
i haven't called it home in a really long time.

when i was in texcoco, i saw how many memories my parents had of that place. i have hardly any.

i started thinking about my home & memories of faces and summers and church vans started flooding my brain.

i haven't said i miss my old life in a really long time, but,

i miss my old life.

granted, most of my "friends" used me 73% of the time, but they were still people i loved with all my heart.

i miss the way i used to think, i can barely remember it... but i think i miss it. it's hard to remember what my personality used to be like. i think i was really shy for most of my life.

i miss the songs & the dirt.

it's really weird to process memories that i've tried to blot out for so long.


Anonymous said...

i feel ya nelly