oh please, take me somewhere.


i have been thinking a lot about my traveling goals lately.
most of the things on my life to-do list are somehow related to travel.

ideally, i would like to travel alone, but that's obviously not gonna happen.

i'm so scared that i'm gonna be about to graduate from college, or worse yet, turn 30 and not have done anything on my list... clich
é , i know.
i just don't want to be one of those persons that believes that the entire universe revolves around the southeastern US.
gah that's frustrating.

ok, so what i would love to do this summer....

SPAIN, oh my. one of the dudes my dad works with heads up a mission organization in Malaga, Spain. so now there is a slight chance of me going this summer, but no details have been discussed, so i just don't know if its gonna happen. but if i were to go.... that would knock two items off my list, go to spain and see the mediterranean sea :).

i'm just sick of America, i'm not like an America basher or anything, the"perfection" is just so... overrated now.

in America there is no contact, no crashing into each other anymore. everybody is speeding on the freeway with their freezing designer cars in their designer clothes with their designer children in the back seat ignored.

don't people ever get sick of everything being so perfect?

you go to suburbia and all you see is rows and rows of identical houses with perfectly manicured lawns with pretty little families living inside.

all this perfection would be wonderful, if it was true on the inside also.

i mean this recession that our country is going into is caused by ugly greed. people always wanting the best, always wanting to show up someone else.
maybe a recession is what we need, we need our possesions to be stripped away in order to seek and find the One who brings true happiness.

other countries are not perfect either, but at least they accept it for what it is. they live day to day, not having a car or a macbook or even an iphone (can you believe that! haha).... just trying to make ends meet so they can put food on their table.
they walk, ride buses, ride trains to work, jammed packed with other people, they value family,friendship, and food higher than anything else.

i want to travel elsewhere because i never get tired of seeing the beautiful imperfection of other countries and because i am sick of the disgusting perfection of America.

( i sort of got off on a tangent, sorry haha)