
The past month has been very difficult.

Too many things are setting in, and I'm just not sure how to handle them all.

I feel as if I have distanced myself from the source of Living Water and become lukewarm and distasteful to my Lord. Is He my all? My main love?

There are too many other things that cry out for my attention. Things that are dull in comparison to what He has done, who He is. Yet, they still take priority.

Why can't I make time? Why can't I just behold? Why can't I be satisfied with simply being His beloved?

I am hungry and thirsty for Him, but I'm not really doing anything about it.

I tell myself that I am too tired, more interested in something or someone else, blah, blah, blah.

I'm stumped really.

This verse has seemed to be my encourager these past few weeks, maybe it will help me on another sleepless night.

Psalm 71: 20-21
"Though you have made me see troubles,
many and bitter,
you will restore my life again;
from the depths of the earth
you will again bring me up.

You will increase my honor
and comfort me once again."

I guess there is hope :)


Connect Global said...

Everyone needs to go through a "dark night of the soul" experience. Life cannot be all "mountain tops" there have to be some valleys in our life. If there are none then we live a superficial life based solely upon our own selves. If you do not go through this time then you will not delve deep into your relationship with Him, you will not delve deeper within your own self to see the things that only He can lovingly show you about your self. Thence there will never be change, you will be the same person. But have hope, the overwhelming theme of the entire Bible is one of REDEMPTION, in other words, there is always, always HOPE!